Anyone who knows me well can tell you that I don't have a very diverse palette. Back in the 'Herst days, I got one meal at the diner so often that we nicknamed it "The Jones Special": a cheeseburger deluxe, with waffle fries instead of normal ones, mayo, no fruits or vegetables, and a strawberry milkshake (with the wrapper twirled around the straw, of course). If I didn't have that, you only needed one hand to count the total number of other options I would consider; and depending on the time of day (or night), that number was probably even smaller.
In the spirit of broadening my horizons, last night I decided to try pesto with my pasta (really adventurous, I know). The stuff is green, so I decided that I didn't have to check the ingredients for pork (my body rejects and ejects all things pig...really far). I took a healthy helping and mixed it in with the noodles, took a bite, and yum. I was pleasantly surprised at the taste. About 30 seconds later, the itching started.

It started with my tongue, then my lips, then my throat, then my inner ears. Lots of itching going on. As my head start to involuntarily tremor, I decided to look at the ingredients. My wonderful German lessons helped me recognize that cashews were in the sauce. Most nuts have that effect on me (pause) but at least I kept it live.