Now, there are a few catches if an ace is thrown and a 2 is thrown, the 2 automatically takes down the ace. In every other hand, however, the 2 loses to everything. The same rule applies to a 3 and a King. A 3 takes down a King if one is thrown but nothing else besides a 2, of course. Now, a war has a major influence over the game. If the two highest cards are the same, a war ensues. Now, everyone participates in the war, however, the two players who threw the high cards get to blindly choose cards from each other as well as the other player who threw the low card while he patiently waits. After the choosing of three cards from each player, each player picks out a card to throw for the war.
This is truly where the "strategery" comes into play. Do I throw an Ace, a 2, a King, or maybe even some random middle card because I assume everyone is going to throw low? Very complex decisions to be made. After all cards have been thrown, the player with the least amount of cards in front of them has to take a shot. Now, in our infinite freshmen year of college wisdom, Fletcher, Andrew, and myself decided that this shot should be a triple shot, and that we should play with rubinhoff every night. For these reasons

There is one last wrinkle in the game. After the deal is finished, everyone makes their best 5 card poker hand with the cards they have. Now, whoever has the worst hand has to take a regular shot before the game even starts, something no one wants to do, but, you also do not want to show the good cards which you have in your hand either... decisions, decisions.
This game was created freshmen year. There were many others, including Boddington's, Fetch, Snow Golf with Monster Golf clubs (the first picture in this post), that game we never named but played in La Casa with the ball that you had to juggle soccer style over the pool table, Marcus's "Drink while you Think," just to name a few. A great way to keep it live as much as possible - whenever bored, CREATE YOUR OWN GAME. If you have created your own game, please leave comments describing them. It would be much appreciated.
Man, tuition well spent if you ask me.
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