Monday, September 29, 2008

corollary to "Congratulations.."

I have to keep this quick because I have to ride my bike to practice (avoiding trollies, of course).

My team is sponsored in part by a restaurant, so we get a "free" meal after every home game. Its specialties are entrees and drinks that are huge. This includes: 1 kilo schnitzel, 30 cm (diameter) burgers, and 3 liter drinks. 

Truth be told, the menu is abridged and we have to pay for our own drinks, but at least we don't have to pay for everything. Anyway, while other people tried the colossal burger, and monstrous schnitzel, I decided to get a 3 liter drink. Since I don't drink alcohol, I got water. I managed to finish it before people finished  their beers. I was proud. That is until I went to pay for my drink. In case you were unaware, in Germany water costs more than beer. I knew this before I went so I was mentally prepared to pay 5 or 6 euros. I was shocked when the waitress said it cost 17 euros. Yes, siebzehn. 

In college, people had alcohol funds, looks like I am going to need to start a wasser fund. 

I guess that's keeping it live by some standards. 

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